Wednesday, May 25, 2011


UPDATE ON YESTERDAY'S POST: Our teacher emailed today to let everybody know that the boy who was injured yesterday is well and that the outcome is not as serious as originally depicted. I am very relieved to hear this.

Although Wednesday has been my weigh and measure day, this week I will defer by a day and both will be done tomorrow. Curiosity is dominating my mind today though.

It brings to mind the interesting question of what drives you?

In this community of fitness bloggers where people come to share their perspectives, journeys and experiences its interesting to note the different emphases that we all place on our fitness and lifestyle pursuits.

I still follow the blogs of some figure girls although I ntoice that less and less of them are blogging these days. The figure competitor's life is an intersting one as it flips from off season / maintaining / muscle building to on season-now-its-time-to-strip-the-fat mode. Both phases have clear goals and strategies to achieve them. It sort of keeps life fairly simple (or does it??)

I follow a couple of running blogs as well and they are particular favourites as I'm in awe of the amazing running that some ladies achieve. I'd give anything to be able to run those volumes and distances but alas my hips and legs will not come to that party. So I'll stay recreational with the occassional 10km race and be happy that I can still do that. Life could be worse.

I love the blogs of the "fitness lifestyle" ladies that are striving to balance work, families and regular training coupled with good nutrition. I put myself in that category and I must admit its not always easy. Last night as I prepared today's lunches for myself and Peter I thought how much easier it would be to just chill out after work and then just buy our food today. I would have saved a good 15 to 20 minutes time in the kitchen last night when I was tired and recreational actvities were beckoning.

But I knew that investing the time then would more than pay off today and every other day. We are both eating healthy food at a fraction of the cost of buying it. Having it ready to eat saves the dilemma of going out and wondering what to buy. I know Peter would definitely make a less healthy choice if given that option LOL and as for me .... well I'm not a total saint either.

So that sort of answers my question about what drives me. I want to feel good .. no I want to feel great. I want to be few kilos lighter but I want to enjoy the journey of getting there. I want to look at my body in the mirror and smile back at myself. I just want to be the best me that I can be by balancing the physical with the emotional and dealing with the challenges that life throws me.

Are your drivers a lot different to mine or we all pretty much on the same page?



  1. Pretty much on the same page here! My biggest drive would be Ava. I want to be a fit and healthy mum that can get down and play with her, not sit on the couch and tell her to play. I want to be a good example for her.

    I no longer blog myself, as I just dont have the time. Between work, being a mum, training and starting a business, there's just not time for it. But of course I still lurk and read what others are doing!

  2. Hi Alicia. I noticed your blog went MIA and I do miss it but totally understand where you're coming from.

    Your drivers are great. Its so important for little girls (and boys) to have good habits modelled at home and around them. Hopefully those messages sink in and we raise healthy, fit and happy kids - where happiness is NOT dependent on their next Maccas meal or a bag of lollies.
