Monday, May 16, 2011


A combination of being hugely busy at work and Blogger being out of action means a recent lack of blogging on my part. Shame, because I was actually pretty keen to update on Friday night and now all those blogging thoughts are gone. Luckily I have plenty of new ones to replace them.

Last week was really tough and I spent the first few days feeling the pressure at work and therefore being crabbier than usual. To my credit I just dealt with those feelings and made the decision to not eat my body weight in sugary junky food so that I could have 5 minutes of pleasure. The crabby feelings passed and I ended the week feeling mighty proud with all I'd achieved just by applying myself to the work instead of anaesthetising myself with food. Kerching!! Thats a big win for me.

Due to a rainy morning on Thursday and Friday being a day off from training I was well rested for a run on Saturday. Man, did I run well and feel good afterwards!! I found my stride early and got my pulse to around 90% of my max and just pushed on enjoying what was virtually a pain free 50 minute run. Words cant describe how good that feels. At times like that I am so grateful for what I have and what I can do because its those runs that lift my spirits and make me feel invincible. I basically floated on cloud 9 for the rest of the day - even through the domestic chores LOL.

In a couple of days week 3 of my 10 week turnaround will be over. I started the turnaround with a big focus on the numbers and a determination to be injury free. Well "injury free" is a  bit out of my immediate reach and may well be for some time. However, Saturday's run certainly gives me hope for the future. The other part to this is that I feel so good right now that I actually dont care too much about the numbers. I look at my body and I like what I see. Its not perfect - far from it actually - but I no longer strive for the fitness model look. My happy place both physically and emotionally sits about 3-5 kilos higher than that.

I also realise that what goes on in my head has far more influence over my body than anything else. If I'm happy, calm and committed to self love and nurturing then everything else will fall into place. Perhaps my 10 week turnaround should be about this instead of how many kilos and centimetres I can melt off by my finish date.

:-) XX Magda


  1. Love this post Magda, so great where your head is at the moment... Fantastic :)

  2. Yes Kristy, week 3 has traditionally been my "wheels falling off the diet" week and I end up binge eating, beating myself up over it and then trying to muster the energy to start again. What a refreshing change this has been :-)

  3. "Perhaps my 10 week turnaround should be about this instead of how many kilos and centimetres I can melt off by my finish date"

    Sounds like a brilliant idea to me. :)

  4. Whilst it would be very nice to melt off the kilos and centimetres, I dont want to become a slave to the metal monster or the tape measure, Kek. In the past, both have taken me from a similar happy place to one of feeling depressed and like a failure. Hence the shift in my thinking and just wanting to enjoy feeling this good.

  5. Nice work Magda, - you sound to be doing very similarly (if that's a word LOL) to me right now!

    Well done and keep it up! It feels great hey!

  6. Cheers Pip. I think you're right about that (although today wasnt as great).

