Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Yesterday I had a long and detailed post about my physio visit typed in Word but Blogger was being really stupid and not letting me post anything. Now that I read that post I've decided to abridge it and just say.

1. There is no way on earth that I can be injury free in 10 weeks.

2. Injury free will take many many months and cost me somewhere well into the four figures.

3. I'm not in a position to start that level of treatment now.

I pondered all this while running on Saturday morning and have decided to modify my goals accordingly. Running another HM is on the back burner indefinitely, instead I'll concentrate on 10km distances which are far less harder on the body. I will continue to race as I love the "event" feel and the structured training that precedes it. I'll probably train myself to start with as I have a reasonable idea of what is required. The most important factor is that only I know my body and how to get the best from it.

I've come to peace with this and look forward to this new journey. My next race will be the Adelaide Marathon on 28 August where my goal will be to beat my 1:08:39 time. Hopefully just getting some kilos off will contribute to a faster time but I know that I must also sprint train.

My 10 week turnaround continues to go well. My training hasnt been exactly as planned but I'm maintaining a pretty good consistency. Nutrition has been great. But let me clarify what "great nutrition" means to me:

1. I eat mainly healthy foods in reasonable quantities when I'm hungry.

2. I enjoy a treat on a special occassion and I dont stress about it or what it might do to my weight loss plans.

3. I'm not indulging in my usual all-or-nothing thinking. One piece of cake stays as one piece, not three because "I've blown it anyway."

4. When I feel like crap (as I have for the last couple of days - another story there) I accept it and know that it will pass. Consoling myself with food (too much and too junky) will only make me feel worse in the long term. I'm honouring my commitment to treat my body and self with the care and respect I deserve.

Needless to say, I'm in a pretty good place despite feeling like crap on another front.

:-) M

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