Wednesday, August 31, 2011


At the start of August I posted here about what I wanted to achieve this month. I thought it timely that on the last day (today) I'd do a bit of an assessment and wrap up of how this month has gone. You all know that I had a slip up just recently but I'm not basing my assessment on this but on how I've gone on the other 30 days.

My goal to work on portion sizes continues to be a work in progress. Sometimes I get it right eating enough to satisfy without feeling over full, sometimes the food is just so bloody good that I eat more LOL. Looking at the big picture, its all a balancing act rather than clocking up perfect portions every time. Overall I'm pretty happy with where I'm at as I hardly ever stuff myself silly as I did previously. But I'll stay mindful of this knowing that nailing portion sizes is important for long term success.

A mindset that embraces all foods in moderation coupled with a belief that I'm fine just as I am and I dont always need to be trying to lose another 5 kilos has been my saving grace in my war against the Binge Monster. These two changes in my thinking have liberated me and created a state where binging becomes a non-issue (99% of the time). If anybody asks whats the secret to my success, these are clearly it for me.

The highlight of August has definitely been my discovery of Bikram (hot) yoga. Its taken me a few sessions to begin to appreciate the mind / body connection and I know it will only improve from here. I love how my body feels after yoga and I love the sense of peace and calm that follows. I'm now a devoted fan and trying hard to practice twice a week.

I've also been pretty excited about going semi-vego and feel pretty good (mentally) a result of this change. I think the term is "flexitarian" if you want to get all wanky about it LOL. But fancy words aside, its been interesting incorporating more vego meals into my diet and reducing my meat intake. In September I'll be eating kidney beans more often as there is a packet in my pantry ready for soaking and cooking. I can feel some Mexican inspiration coming on.

Finally I spent a little time today thinking about the month ahead and what I wanted to achieve in September. Here are my (sort of) goals:

1. Serene September. This month I want to really focus an keeping calm and serene. I know there will be times when chaos and madness will surround me but my aim is to let them rage while being the calm centre of the storm. My mantra will be "breathe, breathe, breathe" and think happy and positive.

2. Sweet-less September. This is a little misleading as I certainly have no plans to go sugar free for any marathon length of time. My belief is that life is too short to give up the foods you love and I DO have a sweet tooth. But my goal is to be more mindful of how often I have my sweet foods like biscuits and cakes - in other words LESS often. I'm past the need for a treat every day to practice moderation as I now practice it quite naturally but I notice that sweets sneek in quite a bit out of habit rather than because I really feel like having them. This will be an interesting endeavour as I try not to tip the opposite way and end up overeating on them.

In closing I know September will be an awesome month. Its Peter's birthday month and for us thats lots of celebrating with dinners out and also with the family. Its also Fathers Day and more celebrating with food so the M word will have to be foremost in my mind. Oh BTW, thats MODERATION :-)



  1. You're doing well, Magda. You had a successful August and September sounds like a solid plan...Funnily enough staying calm is one of my fortes. We had a self-development session at our conference on the weekend and I came up "top" in the staying calm in the face of adversity scores...and good news : that award I won...?It comes with an expense-paid trip to the conference I was telling you about in Adelaide next June!!! If you want something - just ask and it will happen (don't worry about the "how", just believe that it will)xxx

  2. I think your September sounds like a winner, Magda - I'm with Sandra - if I stay calm then I don't suffer either. Sounds like I need to get my butt into gear and try Bikram!

  3. Sandra, I'm looking forward to meeting you. I suspect we'll really hit it off. Stay in touch so we can make it happen.

    Liz you would love the challenge of Bikram. It gets your body doing stuff you may have never dreamed possible LOL
