Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Despite writing the date many times today, the significance of it was totally lost on me until I was walking to my car at the end of the day.

On the10th of June I took my first step into trying something totally different that went against all I had believed in for the majority of my 48 years. I entered unchartered territory nervous with no clear path ahead of me, no light to guide me nor a set of clear directions or a how-to manual. Yet I knew it was time to give this a try. What I had relied so heavily on before yet had let me down time and time again was about to be given the boot.


Oh I could say so much about this last 2 months but I'll save it for a little further down the track. I still have moments when I wonder if / when it all might fall in a heap. There is no smugness about what I've achieved as I know its still relatively early days.

But today I celebrate a solid 2 months where I've had a balanced and healthy relationship with food and an absence of behaviours that used to upset me and make me feel ashamed. My weight hasnt skyrocketed, in fact I'm about a couple of kilos down on where I was 2 months ago and wearing clothes that I have avoided for years.

I havent felt the need to eat everything that was previously on my banned foods list. But I try to incorporate some treat food or wine every day to practice the art of moderation. I have eating freedom and it feels great. I'm more relaxed, happier, calm and balanced and Peter is loving the positive changes in me, as I am too.

So tonight I say "ROCK ON" cause if it aint broke, dont fix it.

:-) M


  1. Great post, Magda. ..and if it all falls in a heap, just pick yourself up and do it all over again. Each time the "damage" will be less.xo

  2. Thats true Sandra. It feels good to be powering along though.


  3. "ROCK ON" Sista! Yahoo for you. xxx
