Monday, August 22, 2011


Who? you ask.


Over the last few weeks I've been having and enjoying more and more vegetarian meals. I never made a decision at a point in time to be vegetarian (and I probably never will) but its just evolved this way and I'm good with it.

I'm still ploughing through the soya beans that I cooked up in the last batch a few weeks ago. I had the best intentions to try new recipes but after one fail I lost interest and now just eat them plain with brown rice and tasty, spicy steam fried veges for my lunch. Its delicious and it never disappoints.

On Saturday for dinner I made fried tofu with a peanut sauce, the recipe taken from my WW Thai cookbook. It was really tasty and I enjoyed the leftovers tonight. I've also had a lentil burger (shop bought due to lack of time) done as part of a BBQ and have one more for dinner on Wednesday. My breakfasts are pretty much my oats/egg whites concoction or some form of eggs / peanut butter with toast.

There are a few of things I'm curious to see from this change:

1. Will it help me to be more regular?
2. Will it bring our grocery budget down?
3. Will I feel different / better from a diet with lots more vegetarian meals than meat ones?

Occassionally I toy with the idea of committing to being a vegertian but then decide that I wont give up oily fish (far too many health benefits and I just bloody love it) and my other reason for not committing is a bit unusual: We eat regularly with my parents who are oldish and Eurpoean. I could not inflict upon my mother the statement "I wont eat anything with meat in it." It would be unfair to expect her to cater seprately for me and she'd be at a loss for what to do week in, week out. Oh and I wont take my own (vegetarian) food to their place and insist on eating that (reeks of my comp prep days). So when we eat with them I'll eat what she prepares.

Wierd isnt it? If you'd have said to me a couple of months ago that about 75% of  my meals would be vegetarian I'd have laughed at you. So you never know where the winding path of life will take you.

Cheers all



  1. That's interesting to hear Magda and I like the healthy approach to it.

    Are you feeling lighter perhaps, not as weighed down?

    I'll be interested to hear how you find it further down the path :)


  2. Kristy, its proving to be interesting. I feel lighter beacuse I have lost a little weight and also because most of my food choices are pretty healthy. I never found meat to be "heavy". In fact now that I dont have a little lean bacon with my eggs and toast on the weekend, I find I get hungrier quicker so less meat is less filling although I'm still satisfied with the protein from the eggs. I'll post about it again a little down the track and let you know how I'm going (by then I might be a totally committed vegan LOL).

    XX M
