Monday, August 15, 2011


 A quick reference back to where you can see all the poses  here

So I finally got along to a hot yoga (Bikram yoga) class yesterday morning. Here's my critique of the whole experience.

Firstly I had to go on an empty stomach as they recommend you dont eat for 2-3 hours before a class. I'm ok with that as I'm used to doing my training on an empty stomach and I didnt wake up early enough to eat or too early and have to eat due to gnawing hunger.

When you enter the room the 40 degree heat hits you immediately and you can feel a large vent pumping out the hot air so the whole room is hot. Its a nice heat though as its dry and you sweat freely. I must admit, I felt instantly happy as those who know me know me + heat = happy :-)

The second thing that struck me was some of the awesome bodies (yes I'm a very visual, aesthetic person and I do appreciate bodies that are in great shape.). There was one woman in particular in the front row who had the leanest torso with beautiful abs, shapely arms and very lean legs. I was in awe somewhat although I thought her legs and butt were shapeless (compared to body building bodies). There was a good mix of people of all shapes, sizes and ages. It was comforting to see I wasnt the biggest there although I was probably at the upper end of the age spectrum LOL. It was a large class (approx 40-50 people) with about 5 to 7 guys.

Now as for the class itself. WOW!!! It was hard but doable. Even on the breathing exercises at the beginning, the instructor was reminding the class to lift their elbows high to feel pain in the shoulders. I surprised myself with the number of poses that I could do, even if they werent to the extent shown in the Bikram gallery. Needless to say there were also some that I didnt even come close to achieving (toes stand, eagle pose and fixed firm pose). The one I had the most difficulty with was the head to knee pose with my right leg to the side. This must be from my dicky hips / pelvis as I couldnt get my knee to the ground and lean to the other side. It was either knee right up or foot brought right back in under the opposite leg (which I had to lift to get my forehead to my knee).

In summary, I loved , loved, loved the class and cant wait to go again. It was a hard workout and I admit I have a newfound respect for yogis because I used to think " what good can a few wierd positions (poses) and stretches do for your body - the sure way to fitness is aerobic activity and lifting weights." But I can now see / feel how doing regular yoga can be good for building strength and flexibility (of course). I'm not convinced of it improving aerobic fitness though.

Finally, I pulled up ok today. I have a little discomfort at the back of my neck / thoracic spine but nothing serious at all. I thought I'd be a lot more sore so thats a testament to my regular weight training even if I dont lift with maximum intensity. I'm a yoga convert now and I'm planning how I can incorporate Bikram into my training routine.



  1. Great review Magda... I have thought about trying birkram yoga, but the heat puts me off. I would prefer to get fitter and do regular yoga first.

    I knew you would love the heat magda :)


  2. Kristy, the heat really made it for me. Plus I know that trying to achieve some of the poses at normal temperatures would be darned near impossible. It was nice to feel my muscles achieve so much. Plus I just LOVE a good sweat.

  3. Shelley, I could REALLY get into it :-)

    Absolutely Liz. Like I said to Shelley, I could really get into it but only the hot stuff as I'm too stiff otherwise.

    :-) M

  4. Great review!! I've never done a yoga class before (unless a home DVD counts!) but this sounds really interesting. Might have to look into this one day!

  5. Hilary I'm totally sold on the Bikram (hot) yoga but then I LOVE the heat. I'm sure under normal conditions I couldnt do half the poses half as well. But many people hate it due to the comfort level (or lack of it) training in a room at 40 degrees. It is a dry heat though so not as stifling as Queensland humidity.

  6. Hey sexy

    You've inspired me :). Although I do "standard" yoga most days I'm gonna give Bikram a go this week. It's just a 10 minute walk away :).
