Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I've been feeling really flat and uninspired this week. I've dragged myself through my work days, every task feeling like its a mammoth mountain to climb. My unproductivity has been impressive and to make it worse I've had all the "whats it all for?" thoughts and feelings. Moping has been my middle name.

With no birthday celebration looming and no holiday on the horizon, I've really had the post holiday blues that often come after a long(ish) time away. The only reason I think they've hit now and not straight after getting home is that I had the excitement of my birthday for a couple of weeks. Now thats over, I'm left wondering "what now?"

Well there is this small matter of approximately 10 kilos that I'd like to release with the view that it leaves and never comes back because it doesnt belong here in the first place. There is some work to be done on this front and to save my sanity I'm thinking only of small manageable chunks to start with. I only need to string about 3 or 4 together and I'll be just where I want to be. Simple really when you express it that way :-0

However to raise the challenge factor in this endeavour, I'm contending with a mojo gone AWOL and choices, choices, choices. I'm just waiting for that lightning bolt to hit and bring all the answers in a puff of wisdom and enthusiasm. Yes, I'm ready for it to arrive.

The sensible and logical me knows that this too shall pass and I'll be back to my usual glass half full outlook but this is my blog and I'll come here to cry (or vent) when I want to. If youre still reading - thanks for listening..


PS Hilary has nominated me for a different version of the Liebster blog award and I will tackle it when my misery guts mood leaves the building. Thanks Hilary.


  1. Aww Magda, I totally understand post holiday blues. At least just 2 days till weekend. As you know, this feeling will pass and the tough challenge is doing nothing destructive toward your objectives meanwhile. Venting is good, I have been a Queen of venting lately :-)

  2. Hate the post holiday blues! Vent away!

  3. Lightening Bolt you said??? Well here I come..... so how are you preparing to take action to achieve your goals my friend? Time is now for the doing! Nutrition with prepared meals and back into your exercise again, the rest will take care of itself. Control the variables where you exert authority. And smile Miss Magda. xxx

  4. Thanks guys.

    Kerry, shock of shocks, I HAVE been preparing my food and exercising consistently since I got back. There have been a few birthday celebrations and a few 'oops that was a bit too much' occasions but I have been ticking those boxes. I just know there is room to tighten things up further and will need to to make progress on my longer term goals. Small chunks. Small chunks.

  5. Great job Magda. I've been reading a book about Mindfullness, I like it a lot. Thinking about enjoying the day for what it is and the people in it. Making choices that are important to us and even enjoying those moments that take us slightly off track without the guilt that we usually end up with. Every day is made up with loads of choices for us, just choose what you really want and enjoy. xxx

  6. Sandra, I know that you know :-)

    xx m
