Thursday, August 9, 2012


First of all thank you to all my lovely Blogger friends who took the time to leave a comment on my last post. I've read them all and felt supported and less 'alone'. I've also considered carefully the advice given and decided to let this go.

My friend is enjoying a really significant and happy event in her life. She's turing 50 with as big a bang as she can manage and thats just the sort of (wonderful) person she is. I dont feel right sharing my disappointment with her and possibly making her feel bad about Tuesday night. She would be mortified over it and I'd feel like a big sooky lala because I got the last invite (we cant all be invited at the same time). I dont want to cloud her celebrations becasue if the shoe was on the other foot, I'd be pretty upset over the upset (if that makes sense.)

Knowing who was there on Tuesday, I realise I would hardly have fitted in anyway. I just dont socialise with that particular group - maybe occassionally with some of them, but like I said in my last post, I'm just not such a party animal any more.

So on that note, I shall put my big girl knickers on, pull myself together and let it go. I shall buy her a lovely gift and join in the celebrations on Saturday night. This is her special occassion and I'm not going to even remotely spoil it.



  1. Good on you Magda. I admire your candour.

  2. I think it's the right decision Magda. As you say, it's a big celebration for her, and it's really not about you... ;)

  3. Thanks Liz and Michelle.

    Kek, you are spot on. Down the track I know I'll look back and be glad that I didnt make a big deal out of it.

  4. Handled like the elegant lady that you are, :)

  5. Aaaaw shucks and thanks Sandra.
