Monday, May 14, 2012


Have you ever concentrated so hard on avoiding a disaster that you inadvertently pull off the colossal fuck up of a lifetime? Upon having it brought to your attention, have you felt sick to the stomach, started shaking and almost lost your voice? Have you wished the ground would open up and swallow you or that you could crawl into your office and cry buckets? Has it left you feeling fragile, sensitive and feeling like a dumbass failure?

Well today ticked all of those boxes for me. I was responsible for a major fuck up at work and I'm feeling really crappy about it. It will take time for these feelings to go.

On the up side my boss was fantastic about it, never blaming me or reprimanding me - just getting on with finding a solution - much of which is currently out of our control. Of course I sucked up how I felt and did whatever I could to help fix the problem instead of running away from it. However, the saga will continue into tomorrow and beyond.

There was some comfort eating today but at least I didnt go for broke with the sugar and crap. I'm looking on this as a positive as I know just how much worse it (a binge eating episode) could have been.

So, today in two words .... SHIT HAPPENS.



  1. I know those days well...except I am my own boss so that aspect is different. Chin up, you'll get through it....This morning I tried to come up with another 125 or so excuses as to why I shouldn't go to Adelaide next week but I only got to #2 before Michael said "You're going and that's that"xo

  2. I hate it when that happens. At the end of the day no-one is infallible.



  3. Sandra, say thank you to Michael from me.

    Thanks Michelle and Liz.
