Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Hooray, I seem to have turned a corner and I like where I'm heading. I slept ok last night and got up at 5am to do a HIIT session on my spin bike. Now I use the term "HIIT" loosely because I honestly dont do true HIIT but I work at intervals of about 80% heart rate max. Then I did a little core work only to find that 30 second planks are my current limit (well maybe 45 at a push) so there's plenty of room for improvement there. Thats 5 days of exercising every day and it is feeling good.

Nutrition has been good too and I notice a few cms have come off already. It was such a relief to feel calm and balanced today and not be consumed by comfort eating. I have toned down my study practice as well - not sure how long I can maintain this - but for now I'm not thrashing myself with late night study. I guess the results of tomorrow night's accounting test will tell the story. If my result is good then this practice stays, if not well I'll have to find a smart way to crank it back up but I refuse to run myself back into the ground like before.

I still have a deep and meaningful post within me but just need a little time for wounds to heal and for some distance from the feelings that caused the concern. Life can certainly dish up some painful but important lessons.

So on that note I'm logging off and getting ready for bed as I have another date with the barbell tomorrow morning. Cheers all


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