Thursday, March 8, 2012


It's the eve of my 4 day weekend and yes I'm bloody excited. Excited that I have the opportunity to break out of my comfort eating rut. Excited to have a little indulgent me-time. Excited to know I can knock off the housework and grocery shopping and take some of the stress out of the weekend. Geez what's my life come to when it's stuff like this that excites me LOL.

And the break couldn't be more welcome or come st a better time. I slept very little again last night. I was so tired this morning, I felt woozy, nauseous and slightly dizzy. But I rocked up to work hanging on to the thought of just getting through this one day. I made it and my reward was dinner out with Peter as our boy is away on camp. Yummmmm. Beautiful Indian food, a bottle of wine, a leisurely stroll all made for a nice end to my working week.

I'm hoping to blog tomorrow with some pics and a positive, uplifting account of my day. Remember, no more whinging and negativity!

Good night all


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