Tuesday, January 11, 2011


2 posts ago I mentioned that this year I'd be seeking inner calm and balance. Here's what each means to me.

Inner calm is peace, gratitude, patience, strength and confidence. Its about making good choices and honouring your body both physically and emotionally. As an example of what inner calm isnt, its those feelings that accompany a binge. When that force within you just screams for more and more food and all reasoning goes out the window. Its a horrible feeling that I hate with a passion and am working on banishing from my life once and for all.

Inner calm is about being thankful for all the good in my life and truly believing that the glass is half full. Its about taking a deep breath and taking the time to talk problems through rather than just reacting with an impulsive yell (yep guilty of many of those). Its having the strength to commit to my goals and my values and not be tempted by the easy short term option. Its about confidence and believing that I will achieve the things that are important to me.

Balance for me is otherwise known as living in the grey. Perfection will never be achieved and whilst its ok to aim high I believe that it must be done with a healthy dose of reality as well. I'm talking about those of us living every day lives and not those that are working at elite athlete levels. Total slothdom and gluttony (yep I've been there too for many short periods) is depressing in the long term. And honestly, who doesnt get sick of it after a while?

Balance is about eating well most of the time but being smart about incorporating treats into your normal diet to keep you happy and sane. Its about finding a level of training that doesnt leave you feeling like a wrung out rag after a reasonable recovery time but working you hard enough that its not just a token effort. Again, there is a grey area in there and thats where I want to be.

Its balancing work, family, friends and personal time. On the few occassions that I had no choice but to be a short term work-a-holic I could feel my health suffer immediately. Later nights, less sleep, less time to prepare healthy meals, seeking comfort food when under stress or pressure all added up to being right out of balance.

After yesterday's long overdue upper body training session, I welcomed back my trusty old friend DOMS today. Its been several months since we were last acquainted and it feels odd to have new pains other than in my legs and glutes LOL. I trained back and triceps for just half an hour and my muscles have woken up. Chest, shoulders and biceps are due on Saturday.

Add to that a walk home from work (45 minutes) and an awesome Zumba class and I was on fire yesterday. I just have to be careful to not go crazy as my legs were still sore on this morning's training run. So I better take my own advice and work on the "balance" and the rest will sort itself out.

Cheers all


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