Friday, January 21, 2011

BA 101

Hi, my name is Magda and I'm a binge-aholic. Its been one month since I've binged (woohoo!!).

I'm also proud to say that like other normal people I over ate at Christmas and I'm ok with it.

Now shooting for a binge-free January.



  1. Congratulations
    Lovely one, might I gently suggest
    (a) you are not defined by your behaviour so I would say "I have/had a binge eating issue" and
    (b) "now shooting to continue my healthy relationship with food in January" (focus on what you want so you attract more of the same, not the negative)
    (c) sending love and support from afar as I know how hard it can be to navigate this journey xxx

  2. Great work Magda!

    Katie, I love your suggestions - it's amazing how your emotions change for the better with a little positive self talk.

  3. Thanks for your good suggestions Katie. I must admit, I didnt think much about this post. I just put it out there. Its been a long struggle and this achievement, to me, has been significant.

    Thanks Liz and Kristy. You both also know of the struggles I've had and what this means to me.

    :-) Magda

  4. Before I even read the above comments I was going to say as long as you continue to tell yourself you "ARE" (am) a binge-aholic you will continue to be one.

    "I am" ........ are very powerful statements.

    Great work though Magda. Yes I know of the struggles you and many others (me) have had.

    Best wishes sent from Vietnam. xxxx

  5. Thanks all. Your support is appreciated.

    :-) Magda
