Monday, September 26, 2011


Beware another honest, from the heart post is coming up and whilst I hate to whinge, there might be some of those undertones.

There is no doubt that I'm now in a very pressured and stressful situation with work. My Director has 3 days of work left and then its me: Director, Manager and potential basket-case LOL. There are issues galore: some daunting, some complex, some annoying, some just requiring many hours of solid work to get them done. The "B" word (boredom) will not be in my vocabulary over the next 4 weeks.

I'm feeling it already ...  the pressure. At a team meeting today everybody was mucking around and joking and I was just annoyed and short with my responses. Normally I join in with a laugh because having a bit of fun is a good thing. Today, I was just annoyed. When my Director told me of another incident of an on-going staff problem I almost cried. Obviously the issue needs a LOT more of my attention ... as do a 100 other more urgent and critical things. Its Monday evening and I'm exhausted and pretty much wiped out.

I can feel this is a danger time for my eating too. I binged again on Thursday and Friday. Today it took LOTS of awareness and positive self talk to avoid a repeat. But I managed it and at least I dont have those negative feelings to deal with as well. Sometimes I'll just have to breathe and remind myself "one step at a time - one hour or minute at a time."

My love affair with Bikram continues although that too is posing some minor problems - but not for discussion tonight. In the very least I plan to keep up my training whether its just 30 minutes a day instead of the longer times I've been doing with ease lately. Why wouldnt I you ask. Only because I'm so tired - even first thing in the morning.

OK thats enough hearts and flowers for one night. No point trying to write a happy happy my world is so good post when the ship hits rough seas like it has now.



  1. Hang in there, Magda. x

    Make a huge effort to get enough sleep over these next weeks - you know everything goes to hell when you're sleep-deprived. You don't want to add that to your other stressful situations.

  2. I can only reiterate Kek - hang in there :) It's funny how we can get very reactive when placed in a management role, as I'm a bit the same :) I just try to pretend that nothing has changed lol :)

  3. Magda, don't ever think that you have to only post "the good stuff" on your Blog. Use it as an outlet for the good, the bad and the ugly. If someone doesn't want to read it, they don't have to.
    I sometimes wonder at the "every aspect of my life is so perfect all the time' bloggers...keeping it honest is damn hard sometimes.
    - Now if only I would practice what I preach :)
    Take care

  4. I don't have anything else to add but to agree with Kek, Liz and Sandra.


