Wednesday, February 29, 2012



Geez it was great to score a small win at uni tonight. The lecture didnt start well. The guy I normally sit next to, who is great to talk through the set questions and exercises with, wasnt there for the start of the lecture. I sat with 2 guys from my group assignment team, both of them considerably younger than me. Every time the lecturer told us to discuss our answers in a group, the guy in the middle would turn away from me and discuss everything with the other guy. I was left sitting alone, hands folded until the lecturer started his explanation.

Well we came to the final question and it was long, detailed and quite complex. The lecturer went through it all step by step documenting everything on the board. My neighbour was flicking through his notes and the text book, clearly floundering. I took my workings and checked through what I'd done, ticking off my answers at all of the steps. Towards the end it got a bit confusing and some of my workings differed from the lecturer's. Then he  (the lecturer) got to the final outcome announcing "and the net result is a gain or profit of $1,250 from the sale of the equipment." "I got that answer", I announced. I was overjoyed. My neighbour turned towards me with a look of total disbelief on his face. I smiled at him and repeated that I got the answer right, even though some of my workings varied slightly, my logic must have been correct. He was dumbfounded (he obviously hadnt got that answer).

I could just read the look on his face. Yes I may be old enough to be his mother (if I'd had him at a very young age) and I dont give the impression that I'm super smart or overly confident. I outwardly admit that the workload is killing me and in group meetings I'm never the most talkative one. But I'm not a dumbass wallflower thats out of her depth, chasing a dream that will never eventuate. I worked through that question, step by laborious step and I got the answer right and I'm feeling damned proud of that right now. Score one for me :-)


Today I'm putting February behind me and launching into a new month, new attitude, new choices and new habits. Although I love summer (give me heat anyday) I must admit there is something totally magical about autumn that just agrees with me. I've always considered it to be MY time of year. I married in autumn (both times LOL), I ran my half marathon in autumn, in my comp prep in 2007, I overcame some of my biggest physical and psychological challenges in autumn and I can recall many a year when in terms of health and weight management, things just came together for me in autumn. So with all this positive belief and attitude under my belt I'm heading into a positive and productive season.

I have no big hairy arsed goals other than getting my weight back down to the sub 67 mark. Yep its crept up in the last few weeks and I can feel every extra gram and I dont like it. So its a matter of taking action now to avoid further pain and sadness down the track. Nothing drastic, nothing scarily strict or restrictive, just good old fashioned healthy, mindful eating.

Bring on the new month and the new season :-)



  1. YAY!!! Well done, Magda, it may be just the little confidence boost you needed right now. for Aurumn, once again it is eerie how similar we are...the thought of Autumn is what gets me through Summer (oops there's one difference between us - I don't like the heat). Yes, Autumn does have a magical feel to it, nature just bursts with colour before going to sleep and starting all over again. Here's to an awesome season for us both!xo

  2. Sandra it was a sweet end to an otherwise bitter class that had me feeling rejected and ignored. I went home feeling pretty good. What a beautiful description of autumn "nature just bursts with colour before going to sleep and starting all over again."
