Friday, March 1, 2013


I'm so disappointed that I didn't get to blog on Wednesday night, that being my last day off work. I had all these wonderful little tidbits to share about the time off work but its old history now and the spark is definitely gone.

I went to write a blog yesterday but I had a major case of the sads and it would have been a big whingey woe-is-me post, so I canned it. All I'll say is that I absolutely didn't want to be here and the day was a struggle irrespective of how my foot was (which wasnt too bad).

Today is somewhat better but I still have some 'uplifting' to do. It sure has been a topsy turvy start to the year for somebody who is happy with a predictable routine (moi!!). I'm also dealing with a bit of bad news on the job front for Peter. I know its not about me and its not for me to deal with but you cant help being affected by the stuff that affects somebody so close to you. Plus I'm one of those people who really takes on whatever it is that I'm surrounded by, be it good or bad. 

So to avoid this becoming a big philosophical post about life, the universe and how to make the perfect poached egg, I'm going to divert over to my trusted topics of diet and training :-)

As you're all aware, I'm in the middle of a cardio drought right now and even my attention to upper body weights hasn't been stellar. I plan to change that next week where I want to get back into just a couple of early morning training sessions again. I'm keeping it limited to upper body until the physio clears me for lower body work, whatever that might be to start with. 

One good thing to come out of the op (apart from getting my foot fixed so I can wear heels again) is that in the days following I had very little appetite. Then some days later the fact that I was so inactive meant my appetite stayed fairly low. I found myself eating considerably less than usual and not craving any high carb, high junk food. Even now back at work, I'm trying to stay tuned into my natural hunger and eating in response to that. I'm enjoying the bonus of being a few kilos lighter and it happening pretty effortlessly. It is true that what you weigh is 80% about the food and not how much / how little you exercise. But I am looking forward to being active again :-)

Well I better wrap it up there as work emails beckon. All I can say is, bring on the weekend.

Cheers all






  1. Looks like you found the silver lining, Magda. Staying in tune with your hunger signals takes work, but it's certainly a worthwhile pursuit.

    I hope your weekend makes up for the not so great week.

  2. Yep, spot on. I've had a couple of occasions very recently where for one reason or another I've been "unable" to eat, and although no exercise was done, a few pounds have dropped off...but exercise is so good for us on so many levels. Hope you get back into it soon. As for the "woe is me" situation...has to be our stars, because I hear you, Sister! xx

  3. I think I have Kek and I'm loving seeing the scale number creep down DESPITE a significantly reduced level of activity.

    Are you feeling better now Sandra? I always struggle on a Monday but I think I'll be ok for the rest of the week.

