Friday, March 8, 2013


Some of you may remember my Fibrober Challenge from October last year. I sorta gave it a good go but at the end of the day I don't remember getting an outstanding result from my efforts. Well circumstances have forced me to revisit this issue.

There is no doubt that a combination of reduced activity, eating less and having mainly meat and salad/veg meals as a means of keeping my weight steady was going to be a recipe for regularity disaster and when I use the word 'disaster' I'm not over exagerating things (enough said). So a week ago I made a decision to revisit Fibrober but take it up a notch as some serious intervention was in order.

I have decided to go (mainly) meat free, replacing with legumes and higher fibre carbs such as brown rice, getting back into Burgen rye bread for breakfast and of course keeping up my already healthy intake of veges. I'm not eating much fruit at the moment but I know that pears are really good for fibre and I plan to get back into them soon. Peter just thought I was on 'another weird arse weight loss diet' (his words LOL) so I had to explain that if weight loss my main goal then keeping meat in my diet was key. Eating this way actually makes it harder to lose weight but the meat + salad/veg combo just doesn't work for me. After giving him a detailed account of my problem he conceded 'whatever it takes, I couldn't imagine living like that.'  

Well its been an interesting week of mainly vegetarian eating. Eating out on Friday wasn't a problem as we all chose what we wanted and I had a roasted veg and haloumi stack. On Saturday my SIL made a risotto with chicken in it (no probs - lots of rice, little chicken), we had  everyone over for a BBQ on Sunday and I sneaked a lentil burger onto the hot plate and then straight onto my plate and did the same on Monday when my FIL shouted BBQed chicken and chips for dinner. The rest of the week has been pretty much the same and there has been improvement on the regularity front just not so with my weight which has gone up a little. But its early days and I shall not be deterred by a small change in the wrong direction.

My plan is to maintain this for the month of March and see what overall effect it has. When I look at what's available to me right now, tackling diet first is my only option and I know that a little change here or there aint gonna cut it. Plus after looking at all the stuff on the internet you make a decision about what you're prepared to do and where you draw the line and decide 'no way'.

So on that note I shall sign off and soldier on in my effort to turn around my ridiculously slow system into something that even remotely resembles normal. Wish me luck folks.

:-) M




  1. Hey Magda. Just a couple of suggestions. As always take them or leave them :).

    1) Get your gut health humming with a really good probiotic like Miessence which is made from fermented goodies.
    2) Kombucha, again a probiotic.
    3) Ingest coconut oil. Take a shot initially and increase every couple of days or two until you're having a good couple of tablespoons. Any blockage will soon be slipping along your internal wall. But don't start out too much too soon or you'll end up with diarrhea. I know someone that this happened to after she drank 1/2 cup!
    4)Spinal twists, deep forward bends and childs pose will help break up the shit in your GI tract.
    5) Abdominal massage.
    6) Breathe deeply.
    7) Get a fucking colonic!


  2. Magda, I feel your pain. I had the same problem for my entire life. Since I started yoga I've been 'going' every day and I haven't changed how I eat. I don't know if it's all the water I'm drinking, the deep breathing or the poses but it whatever it is it's been amazing! I hope you find something that works for you.

  3. Oh, Magda, you poor thing. I sympathise; I've been right there many times in the past although these days I don't have issues very often - surgery always throws a spanner into the works for me too though. I hope things settle back into a regular pattern soon.

    And I'm with you on the options uncovered online that you don't want to visit. Ugh. LOL

  4. Thinking of you! Hope you recify this issue :-)

  5. Hi guys, now that I've cleaned out the rubbish, I can reply to your comments.

    Hi Shelley, I've looked into probiotics but have been somewhat overwhelmed by what is around. I will look into the Miessence brand. Doesn't kombucha taste awful?? Or am I confusing it with something else? My juries out on the coconut oil but I've had some initial success with something else. As for the fucking colonic, very few places do it in Adelaide and it would require several hours off work which isn't an option right now.

    Katie, I always read your blog and was jealous that the yoga had such a positive effect for you. I can't say the same for me although I could only get to a class twice a week at best so it probably wasn't enough to make a difference.

    Thanks Kek and Pip, I've had some initial success as you'll read about soon.

    :-) M

  6. Ok Magda, here's my suggestions:

    Flaxseed Oil and plenty of it. High in Omega 3's and really keeps things running smoothly... if you know what I mean??
    Physillium Husk in with a protein smoothie in the mornings and plenty of veg with your meals... lots of colour.

  7. Hi Kerry, yep have done all of the above and on their own none have been effective but am onto a combination that might just be working. Thanks :-)
