Saturday, October 1, 2011


Well I guess it's time to reflect on September and look forward to October.

Hmmmm September didn't go quite as planned. It got off to a great start but after peter's birthday celebrations in the middle, the wheels fell off for me and I had a few episodes of binge eating again. I know the cause was a combination of things like boredom with my meals, stressing about work, dealing with my lack of self confidence etc. Yeah blah, blah, blah you might say and I might even agree with you LOL but sometimes the logic and the toughness goes out the window and old habits take hold again. I did get some comfort from a post I saw on FB depicting the road to success. In one box it was believed to be a straight line rising steadily. In the other box labelled "actual" it was a very messy, squiggly line that eventually rose to the top but obviously after many twists, turns and movements back down as well. It made me laugh as I know in my case it is certainly true of me.

All that aside the reality was that it was a few days and whilst my weight might be up a little, I know it'll settle back down nicely on it's own when situation normal returns. And it's returning as of yesterday so I'm good with that.

My October goals are simple: do a good job of my time as acting director, nurture my physical health and wellbeing by eating well and staying active, that in turn will go a long way to keeping me balanced and emotionally well and finally (so not in order of importance)to devote time to my family. I can't take time off in these school holidays but I can make sure my boy enjoys a wide range if fun activities and gets time with me on the weekends.

So there you have it. Simple goals. Simple actions. Not looking for any outstanding results in terms of fitness etc but hoping the outstandingness is channelled into work instead.


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