Sunday, October 16, 2011


What do you do while you wait for the movie to start? ..... Be silly of course.

And some more.

And its not just 3D but Aroma Scope as well. BTW ... the cards didnt work. I scratched like mad, nothing happened and I certainly didnt smell what I was meant to smell.

So this is what I get up to on a Sunday afternoon ... pulling stupid faces and taking pictures of myself and my boy. LOL I'm making the most of this as in a few years time, he wont want to be seen in public with me ... such is life.

Its been an awesome weekend. On Saturday morning it was back to skating classes and I was, yet again, bursting wioth pride watching my boy learn to skate backwards now and get better at his cross-overs. He has come such a long way from the awkward, timid boy who took his first lesson 11 or 12 weeks ago. And to really ice my cake, he is now considering going on to figure skating instead of ice hockey which he realises is a contact sport of which he's not too fond, as a rule. I cant tell you how much I adore figure skating. I could watch it for hours and hours and often lose myself watching the figure skaters practice in the public sessions.

After skating lesson and a practice skate, I met a dear friend for lunch and we wiled away the afternoon drinking champagne, then going for a coffee before coming back to my place for a little while. I had such a great time and it all ended so late that dinner never got cooked and we ended up with a healthy lean seafood pizza instead. Luckily Peter got his act together and made dinner for our boy while my friend and I kept chatting.

I couldnt make it to hot yoga today because of Peter's schedule but I got out for a 40 minute walk instead and was good with that. Then it was off to the movies, out for ice cream (for my boy) / coffee and cake (for me) and then home for a bit of play. And I sit here tonight wondering how it all could have gone so fast and before I know it the working week will start again.

This will be my last week (+1 day) acting so I want to tick a couple of biggies off my list and thereby charge that ship forward with strength and confidence. Bring it on, I say.

:-) M


  1. I have no idea where the weekends go either Magda, shame but I figure it makes them special everytime they come round. x

  2. Those are the special moments that make life great Magda. It brought a smile to my face seeing your photos. Silly faces are something we do. And you're right, in a few years time you may become an embarrassing Mum like I am to Sofie :(


  3. Loving the change in you Magda :) You have so much on and I can see you loving life!

    Love the photos :)


  4. Make the most of these times with your gorgeous boy, Magda...before you know it he'll be a teenager...although they say boys are closer to their mothers than I don't know :)
    Looove how relaxed you sound.

  5. I totally agree Shar and I put some special effort into enjoying the weekend so when Monday rolls around I dont feel (as) cheated.

    Gotta love boys and silly faces, Shelley. Peter just laughs and rolls his eyes at us but we usually have the last laugh.

    Thanks Kristy. Gotta get the silliness in before the teenage years come as they wouldnt be caught dead doing that stuff with their mums then.

    Funnily enough Sandra we are very close and I know we always will be ... but the time will come when its just totally NOT cool to do that stuff with your mum.
