Thursday, February 14, 2013


Firstly my thanks goes to Liz, Michelle and Sandra for your good wishes. I'm blogging on my iPad mini and sadly the blogger app doesn't work well on here at all. More often than not, it won't post my replies to comments and I just can't work out why. Hence my lack of reply to comments posted.

We are fortunate to have a spare guest bedroom which I took advantage of last night. I propped my foot up and managed a reasonable night's sleep. I woke with feeling back in half of my foot and I could wriggle my toes. After removing the bulky bandage and covering the wound with a waterproof bandage, Peter helped me to shower and got my breakfast amongst 500 other things that he had to do.

I'm well dosed up on over the counter painkillers and I haven't needed the good prescription stuff. I've started my rehab exercises which can only be described as 'mighty uncomfortable' but I know they're important in preventing the muscles becoming totally useless. I've stayed on my crutches today but putting some pressure on my foot has been ok. I won't need to use crutches for very long, I can tell.

Yesterday when I had to keep off my right leg completely, I noticed just how weak my left leg is. Funnily, after much getting up and down using my left leg, today it felt stronger. What's that saying 'every cloud ....... ' I might just come out of this with a strong left leg LOL.

Being couch bound and inactive has meant I've had little appetite which is very unusual for me. However I am devouring crosswords and Sudokus galore as I lose myself in Ellen and Dr Phil. And as for 'The Doctors' OMG they discuss EVERYTHING! Talk about getting an education.

Still very tired so I'm looking forward to another night's sleep.

Cheers all



  1. Blogger hates the iPad. Or vice versa. Whichever, I can rarely comment either...except right now! What's with that? LOL

    Hope the foot is much better tomorrow. x
