Wednesday, June 8, 2011


........ (because I always am) I'm having a tough time and have lost focus on my turnaround. Historic patterns repeating over and over and needless to say I've done a lot of draining-and-getting-me-nowhere self analysis. I've tried to be objective about it all but thats very hard for a highly emotional and over-sensitive Cancerian. There have been tears, albeit shed in private as I prefer to keep my personal struggles to myself ... oh and Blogland LOL.

Work busyness and pressure is not helping right now either. Although I have proved previously that I can cope without turning to food, in the last week, that hasnt been the case. Oh and red wine in more than moderate quantities is my new best friend. Whilst I dont drink to get drunk, I'm now having a wine more often than usual.

But on the positive side I've decided to do things a bit differently from here on. I just need some time to research and put my plan into place. Deep down I feel my decision is the right one .. if what I want works out. Yes thats all quite cryptic but at this stage there's nothing more to tell.

So there's my whinging negative post. Right now I cant see any silver lining on the clouds but I have a 4 day long weekend coming up and the plan is to focus on me, me, me and rack up some fun and feel good activities.



  1. What about the good choices you made, Magda? I bet there were a few. Maybe try focusing on the things you DID, rather than the things you DIDN'T.

    I had a bourbon last night. Big deal. I also ate good food all day/week. I missed a workout Monday. So what? I trained four out of the past six days.

    Don't let the negative thought spiral out of control. You know you can do it. :)

    And yay for 4-day weekends! I have one too. *happy dance*

  2. Amen for the long weekend, I say!!
