Monday, April 18, 2011


Today I made a big decision and then carried it through so there is no turning back.

I have changed my Greenbelt Half Marathon entry to running the 10k instead. I'm now looking forward to the race as opposed to dreading it.

Last weekend's 2 hour run was a huge physical struggle. I finished it in a lot of pain and honestly could not have run another step. I was well short of 21kms in distance covered. Yesterday I was due to do another 2 hours but finished up at 1:09 having walked some of the last 10 minutes. My distance was woeful. The pain in my glutes is relentless and then the longer I run the more it goes to my legs as well. I havent enjoyed any runs for a couple of weeks and I know that given current circumstances that wasnt going to change.

I honestly didnt know if / how I could run 21ks this time and emailed coach Pat about this. Without spelling out that I should change the goal posts, he tactfully reminded me that sometimes we have to accept that its better to work within our boundaries. And I have decided to do just that knowing that giving the 21kms a decent go would likely set me back considerably. On the other hand 10ks is a nice distance now. Long enough to be a decent run but not a crippling one.

So the 2011 Greenbelt will not be my second half marathon but I'm quietly confident that with some serious work to rehab and manage my injury there will be another HM within me and I'll enjoy the training and the racing experience.

I'll post more on this issue tomorrow.

Cheers all



  1. That's such a tough decision to make Magda... What a lovely 10k run it will be running along the river... I'm missing my running, but I need to train Neddie to run/walk better... I do enjoy my 20 min morning walks though...

  2. Well done on listening to your body and making a wise decision. Sometimes we get so caught up in reaching a certain goal that we fail to do what is best for us in the long-run. We don't feel that amount of pain for no reason. Have a great 10 km run and enjoy every minute of it:)


  3. Kristy it was tough but I feel like a HUGE pressure has been lifted from me because like I said, I just knew that physically I didnt have it in me at this time.

    Thanks Gillian. I too know it was a wise decision and taking a (perceived) loss now will result in a win long term. Plus I just cant afford to cripple myself and be out of action from the physical flogging my body would have endured.

  4. Magda, only YOU know what the best decision is for you...
    You WILL enjoy the 10k...and isn't that what this "journey" is all about?

  5. Good decision, Magda. Better an enjoyable 10km than a disappointing and injury-inducing half marathon.

  6. Hey Sandra, no point being on a journey thats turned into dread and fear. The decision has been quite liberating and has already helped me get back some of my enjoyment of running.

    Thanks Kek. And endorsed by my husband with a comment "FINALLY, you're showing some common sense" LOL. Yes when I'm determined to do something I'm relentless in my pursuit of it but luckily am sensible enought o see when that relentless pursuit is counter-productive.

    Bring on the 10kms!!
