Saturday, November 20, 2010


Today I did an hour run for the first time in several months. Psychologically I was ready for it. Physically I was ready too. I headed off of doing the uphill stretch first at an easy jog pace. All felt good. At the 40 minute mark and now on a downhill stretch, the endorphins kicked in. OMG I havent felt them for SO long and I'd almost forgotten how good they feel. I picked up my pace so that I was running. My pulse headed back up around the 90% of my max but I've built my fitness up to handle this. I was well fueled (thanks to a generous portion of carbs last night). There was no stopping me. I kept running for the remaining 20 minutes and then walked about 3 or 4 to get home.

I needed nothing more to put me into a fantastic frame of mind for the day. I have achieved my November goal and I feel great.