Monday, September 20, 2010


Todays' post will be an abridged version of all my thoughts and feelings. There is just too much to put out there, most of which I dont really want to put out there at all. But here goes with what flows.

There is no mistaking it. Today I feel depressed and grumpy. This morning I came very close to turning back and staying home. I didnt want to make the effort to go to work, solve problems and interact with people. But my conscience said "suck it up princess and get on with it."

You probably know where I'm heading with this. So let me put this into perspective.

I started the year in a great place, a great frame of mind and feeling great about my body. I finally thought that I had my eating all figured out. I was training for a big, scary, hairy arsed goal. I was HAPPY.

So how did I get to this place where I've gained 8 kilos, have hardly any clothes that fit (only stretchy ones and they're not looking great), feel like I have nothing figured out about my eating and am battling an injury that has me wondering whether I'll ever be able to run long distances again.

Today the glass is half empty. Its obvious that what I've been doing is not working. This is not where I want to be and not how I want to be feeling.  In a nutshell I'm just over it all. I'm not sure what the answer is but something needs to change. Something significant.



  1. Well I'm no use to you today Magda as I'm in a very similar position with similar feelings. (I could easily just cut and paste your post into my blog!) So , maybe to know you're not alone helps a little?

    Food, injuries blah.


  2. Wish I could help, I've no magic words of wisdom though, sorry! I guess just to know that that's life, always ups and always getting around it. A fabulous little book called POCKET PEMA CHODRON has been really wonderful. She's an awesome buddhist writer-but her stuff just makes so much sense for every day life...I highly recommend it! Really puts things into perspective with very short and easy to read excerpts from her broader writings.

  3. Thanks for taking the time comment guys. Much appreciated.
