Monday, September 27, 2010


Over the last week or so I've agonised over my out of control emotions and the flow on effect they had on my eating, rehab and exercise - all of which suffered badly. I was at a point where I had convinced myself that I had to diet again to get back to a "happy weight." I was disillusioned, desperate and despondent. Oh and down in the dumps - in case you hadnt guessed LOL.

But the fog and gloom have cleared and now I find myself exploring what I believe is essential to ditching the destructive emotional eating that some of us (especially me) still struggle with. Adding to that I believe its possible to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight without resorting to diets - you just have to be smart about it - and approach it differently to following a prescriptive diet.

Stay tuned to read my take on this. This is not about what to eat / how to eat and how to train. Its about getting the head right and letting the rest take care of itself. I admit that I havent mastered all of this but at those times when I followed these principles, things were going bloody great for me so I have faith in what I write.

The first instalment: BALANCING & JUGGLING will be in my next post.



1 comment:

  1. Hi Magda,

    A bit of "sane" thinking, a bit of "sane" eating and a bit of mindfulness will go a long way to getting you back to where you feel you are firing on all cylinders.

