Wednesday, September 8, 2010


In yesterday's post I touched on the core strengthening work I'm now practicing and how it forces me to take a break, breathe and relax. Today I want to talk some more about the power of this breathing.

I have always taken breathing for granted as we all do it without thinking about it. I know how important it is to get a good breathing rhythm happening when running and when lifting weights but other than that it just happens. If I heard some-one say "breathe" when in a stressful or anxious state I would shrug it off, give a cursory large breath and then stay in my stressed or anxious state.

So its been a delightful surprise to discover the real power of breathing and just how calming it can be. Imagine this:

Lie down in a comfy spot with your knees up and feet flat on the floor. Maintain the neutral curve of your spine and breathe in through your nose letting your stomach rise up as you fill your lungs with air. Then slowly exhale and feel your stomach flatten back down. Concentrate on nothing but your breathing and how with each breath out you are becoming more and more relaxed. Let your thoughts and worries go for this brief period of relaxation.

I then incorporate my core strengthening work but maintain my relaxed state throughout the exercises. When I'm finished I feel so calm, centred and relaxed, its quite amazing. I now see how this focussed breathing can lead into meditation and I know thats where I want to go with it.

Whilst the food demons have been pretty dormant lately and I havent needed to calm down and refocus, I know that if the need arises in future, I'll have just the tool for doing so. Lie down, breathe, relax and refocus. I'll let you know if it works.

Cheers for now



  1. I've learned to pay very close attention to my breathing with yoga and meditation. It's awesome that you are getting so much benefit from incorporating the breathing awareness into your program.

  2. I'm amazed at the difference its making to my psyche Raechelle and I hope to explore meditation a little further.


  3. Hi Magda,
    Somehow Blogger wouldn't let me comment with my Wordpress page, but keep it up :) Love your work

