Thursday, November 1, 2012


I'm lucky that my wonderful husband shares my desire to be lean, toned, healthy and feeling great. He's recently been appointed to an executive position with a massively challenging goal to achieve. His blood pressure has gone up despite his reasonably healthy lifestyle and he's had a lot of days where he hasn't felt good.

However throughout all of this he's maintained his exercise as he's trying to drop some kilos because he doesn't accept overweight is inevitable. By traditional standards his diet would be ok and he's a bit of a cardio addict believing that running, rowing and cycling will do the job of getting the weight off. When I've broached the subject of weight training and eating a cleaner diet, higher in protein and lower in carbs (he is an office worker after all, not an endurance athlete) he just hasn't bought my sales pitch. He dabbles in it for a week or two and then goes back to daily cardio with little if any change to his diet.

But lately he's been a little more receptive to some of my suggestions and has given me the ok to look into things that might help him feel better. So the other day I casually flicked him this link with a message "some interesting reading". Ironically it was at lunch time as he was having his salad LOL. Well, true to his word he read the article and came back with some good observations and questions instead of telling me it was a crock of sh*t and "what would they know?" Seeing as he was receptive to the idea, we agreed that a staged approach was the best way forward and step one would be cutting as much added sugar from his diet as possible. When I told him what foods had sugar in them, he looked at me goggle eyed.

So I have a job ahead of me to replace his secretly sugared foods (boxed cereal, natural muesli, soy milk, vanilla flavoured yogurt etc) with a non-sugar, palatable and convenient alternative. Plus he's agreed to a non-cereal breakfast on 2-3 work days. I'm really hoping that these changes will make a difference and I can get him on board for some other ideas. Irrespective, I love a challenge and I love that we are becoming even more aligned. The one thing we've always agreed on is our enjoyment of a wine or beer on certain days of the week. Even cavemen/women would have kicked back with a relaxing drink after a hard day of hunting/gathering, I'm sure :-)


  1. LOL, love the 'relaxing drink after a hard day of hunting/gathering' comment. Good luck!

  2. Thanks Charlotte. I'll need it. Sometimes the attention or interest span is very short lived LOL.

  3. Good luck! I wish I could talk my hubby into a healthier lifestyle but I will keep on nudging him in the right direction and hope for the best.

    Love the 'relaxing drink' comment too! Very important to have some balance.

  4. Yay!!! As you know, Michael and I kicked the sugar habit together a few months ago now (it's gone really quickly!!) and we haven't looked back...we don't drink at home unless we have guests, but we do share a love of good coffee :)
    Good luck to you and Peter xx

  5. I have also kicked the white poison habit. Brown rice flakes with almond milk for brekkie with some fruit and a protein shake or some eggs. Meals with complex carbs and lean protein, lots of veggies and I feel pretty good. Dropped 5kg without even trying..... happy days!!!!

  6. Michelle its even harder when they think they already are living a healthy lifestyle. Peter doesn't eat badly however on his carb intake he could run a marathon - DAILY!! Small steps.

    Yes Sandra I mentioned you and Michael in my sales pitch. The 'easy weight loss card' had to be played LOL.

    Kerry do you make your own almond milk or do you buy it? (We must catch up soon - before you're dieting again, if possible).

    1. The thing is, if he's anything like my physically gifted husband, he'll drop excess weight very quickly...NOT fair ;)

  7. Funnily enough Sandra, he's NOT. Peter will watch what he's eating (never diets!!) for weeks before there is movement on the scales. Mind you, I think his refusal to give up beer, wine and chocolates has a lot to do with it. He will cut back but sometimes it has no effect whatsoever.
