Monday, July 25, 2011


Ah Monday! Another week. The last one in July even. Summer is still a long way off.

Yesterday was a wet and dreary day here in Adelaide. I secretly loved it. We had a sleep in - well I did - after our night out and Peter went for a walk in the rain while I summoned up the motivation to dash 10 or so metres in the rain to my studio to do some leg training. It was definitely a case of just do it, there'll be other times when you enjoy it.

I'm sore today to show for it which is a good thing, I guess. Considering I'm still on light weights and concentrating on technique mainly, a bit of DOMS is an extra bonus LOL. I enjoyed my walk this morning in a balmy 11 degrees (not joking here - most days its been 5 degrees or under recently). I had The Peas on shuffle on my iPod providing great music to zone out to. I'm a creature of habit so Monday is oats day with egg whites mixed in to make "eggy oats". I also have sultanas soaked with the oats to provide the sweetness and LSA sprinkled on top.

Its pretty cold here although most of the south of Australia is feeling the same. The cold has never stopped me from training at 5am but it certainly ramps up my appetite. Fortunately I've been able to convert most of the usual winter stodge into healthier versions that we can all enjoy regularly. I just wish there was more time to cook more interesting things.

Well thats enoough waffling about pretty much nothing LOL. I hope you all have a great week, stay warm, keep moving and remember "you can have it all, just not all at once."


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