Sunday, July 24, 2011


Typing that title might just be my entire blog post tonight LOL. With these two biggies done and dusted I'm sort of wondering where to from here ... now what??

Last night was the final celebration for my birthday. Our boy went to stay with his aunty and uncle and we had drinks first and then a nice dinner out at our favourite local restaurant. I had a great time although 2 drinks before dinner on an empty stomach had me desparate for food when we arrived at the restaurant. That marks the end of my celebration week and what a fantastic week its been :-)

So today as I did my leg training with pretty low motivation I got to wondering what I was going to focus on or look forward to now. My management training course ramps a bit as I start to prepare for the exam that falls at the end of October. I have 2 more modules to do but I've committed to myself to start revising the earlier stuff now as I wont have heaps of time to devote to it if it has to be done in one hit.

Work will be very busy between now and the end of the year so its guaranteed the days will go very quickly and there may be some stressed out times to come. Hoping I can maintain my sense of calm and balance as the storms rage around me.

My boy will be taking on a some extra activities including ice skating lessons and an after school course one day per week. Juggling his schedule with ours will be tricky but as parents you just make it work, dont you?

I guess thats all the external stuff that constitutes life, working, parenting and professional self improvement. But what about me and whats going on for me?

I have decided that I'll continue with one focus only at this stage. That is to remain binge free or put positively: to continue improving my healthy relationship with all foods. I'm not training for any special events so I can afford to just move on most days of the week and I'm enjoying the lack of pressure. I'm not dieting AGAIN because I really want to be 63 kilos or 61 kilos or whatever other number I decide is best.

Instead I'll continue to enjoy a wide range of foods reminding myself that nothing is banned or off limits. I also plan to keep my daily treats so that I continue to practice moderation. So far these 2 changes in my thinking and habits have served me well so perhaps just cementing them further is right for now.