Monday, October 25, 2010


GOAL # 1

By 24 October I plan to be running for 30 minutes at a time. - TICK

I wrote this on Friday 24 September all fired up and ready to blitz the fitness and running world that I was desperate to be a part of again. Yes I have achieved this goal and I feel really good about it. Onwards and upwards from here I hope.

In that post I also mentioned that I had some personal goals that I didnt blog about (because they were to do with my weight). Well I got off to a blitzing start with a heap of weight dropping very quickly and then even though I thought very little changed, the weight loss started to go the other way. Now on the outside I wanted to be a big girl about it and just get on with what I knew I had to do but life is never that simple or straight forward because we - WELL I - have to make it harder.

So yep there was a day of comfort eating with a bit of the "oh whats the point" mentality taking over. This was balanced with some good eating again and then a bit more comfort eating today - after all, I was suffering through the housework. But realistically I know that the glass is still pretty much half full. Why?

Beacuse I havent touched any sugar. Previously, comfort eating, emotional eating , binging - whatever you want to call it - would involve huge quantities of sugary foods and I would spiral out of control until I felt sick and overstuffed from all of the sugary junk. Whereas now, I'm overfull but its taken much less to get me to this state.

I have decided to refocus on my Operation Return to Running and ramp things up a bit so that I keep improving. I have some additional rehab exercises and the ones I've been doing for a few weeks now seem to be working. I love being under the guidance of my physio as she is VERY specific about what exercises I do and why. Now to just get the fat melting off again so that running becomes more of a pleasure and I can reap all of the benefits it provides.

I have a plan for the next four weeks Operation Return to Running - Phase 2 involving some nutrition and training daily targets. I'm writing about the mental side in my next post. I want to see some results and they arent going to happen without a decent effort. I'm not keen to weigh again but I'll have to suck it up and just get the fuck on with it :-)


  1. Great job on no sugar Magda... I have completed 7 days sugar free, plus lots of walking everyday and I am feeling heaps better, but my clothes don't feel much looser... I will keep at it though :)

  2. Good one Kristy. However I truly believe that cutting sugar out and making no other dietary changes is not enough to lose weight. My recent experience is proving that it requires more effort and this can be depressing and disheartening. But the health benefits and other spin offs are worth it, in my opinion.
