Thursday, December 22, 2011


Today mum had her final 2011 appointmement with the Diabetes Educator (DE). She's been checking her blood sugar levels for 2 weeks and the DE assessed her results and checked her weight yet again. Mum got gold stars all round. She has maintained her sugar levels well within the recommended bandwidth and in the last 2 weeks she registered another 1.5kg loss on the scales. In 4 weeks she has lost 4.5kgs plus the bit she lost before starting to see the DE. All she's done is cut the sugary and fatty foods from her diet and introduced daily walking. She still eats 3 serves of fruit every day and manages 3 meals and 3 snacks with a good variety of foods. Who says you cant teach an old dog (she's 75) new tricks??? LOL

Today's visit was focussed on educating about circulation and the risks that diabetics have with their feet, eyes and kidneys. The DE explained very simply and clearly how gangrene can form and possibly lead to amputation. Also how diabetes affects the eyes and kidneys where blood vessels are particularly fine and or delicate. Yet again I was totally absorbed in the "lesson". I've learnt so much by going with mum and listening to the information presented to her.

On a positive note mum is down to just 3 blood sugar tests / week now and under instruction to enjoy Christmas Day and eat what she wants but not to stuff herself and not to get drunk (LOL she is at absolutely no risk of either!!). I'm planning to sneak a pair of "diabetic socks" into her Christmas stocking - who ever thought there was such a thing??!!

Her visits next year will be just monitoring her progress to ensure that she stays on track with her new good habits. In light of her diagnosis I have decided to do my health check annually despite having a very good result early this year. I'd rather be aware and informed than to bury my head in the sand thinking "it wont happen to me."

Cheers all for now



  1. Hi Magda, my dad has type 1 diabetes (pancreas doesn't work to produce insulin) and has to deal with many of the same effects. He has had several rounds of laser surgery on his eyes. Hope you and your family have a safe and merry Christmas. C

  2. Sounds like a plan, Magda. Enjoy your Christmas and throw in some gratitude for good health and most importantly, health awareness. xo

  3. Thanks Charlotte. Mum has type 2 and only diagnosed in November. She is medication free at this stage. Wishing you and Rob a great Christmas too.

    Thanks Sandra. Although diet has been pretty slack in the last week so a bit more attention to good health will be in order post Christmas celebrations.

  4. Your Mum has done so well and would be feeling better and moving better! Good for her. Diabetes and heart problems run in my family and prevention is better than cure!

  5. Yeah Liz mum is very proud of herself

  6. And I couldn't agree more about prevention vs cure
