Monday, December 26, 2011


Today it's all about enjoying the laziness of Boxing Day. The entire family (all 3 of us LOL) had a sleep in this morning. BLISS. Peter went for a run and I attacked my lower body and abs training. It felt good to seriously move again. We skipped breakfast with the family and had a healthier, lighter option at home. My system was instantly happy from being treated so well. Although I'll probably be rewarded with another case of DOMS tomorrow as its been too long between training sessions.

The next few days are all about moderation. We still have family here and lots of social eating and drinking but my plan is to keep the food relatively clean and enjoy a wine or two. That and daily exercise should help things level back out until next week. Then it'll be time to cut the wine back further and tackle some health and fitness goals for 2012. And I won't be going it alone this time. Yes I have enlisted some help to get me leaner, fitter and healthier. I'm already working with Hilde but will be ramping things up from next week.

Hilde understands that I'm not interested in a regimented diet plan and that I want to keep working on trusting myself to make the right food choices. But I do need support to improve some of my habits around alcohol and treat foods. Plus my training had become so lacklustre that it really needed a serious kick in the butt. So I have a training program that gives me that much needed boost. We are working together to establish good, healthy lifestyle patterns. There's no 12 week challenge, no using this as a stepping stone to another comp nor anything that I can't continue with forever. Oh and no weekly weighing and measuring. I can honestly tell where my body is at now without jumping on the Metal Monster.

So there you have it. A different approach to get the outcome I want but one that I feel really positive about. Bring on a leaner, fitter and healthier 2012.

:-) M


  1. Structure in any shape or form is GOOD, Magda. Best of luck with your new "plan". xo

  2. That and some support. I admit I was struggling a bit on my own. Low motivation for training, too many treats and the waist line was moving outwards :-( time to reign it back in and get leaner and fitter.

  3. OMG Magda! That sounds so familiar!!!

    Great job to are so organised and I know you will do well!

    I also.........decided to enlist on outside help this time.....starting 9 Jan! I'm doing a 12 week online program with a kiwi trainer whom trained me in person 8 years ago.....will tell you more at the end!

    I normally go it alone.......but in my current situation living with my best mate and our issues I/we are finding it hard to put more than a week of living standards we are happy with together without either/or a binge or too much booze or it all. I need to be strong and say.....I'm sticking to this!!!

    I don't wanna say......stop talking crap I will speak of my mention for my need to stick to this so I'm happy with my habits and fitness. Seriously......I'm in the high 70's, (76.3 xmas morn and for sure a couple of kilos more now) with gut flab and less fitness. Under even 70kg I will feel better about myself....if I hit the low 60's, fit and lean, that is ultimate! So time to crack down....and stay that way! :-)
