Sunday, December 12, 2010


So how is everybody tracking? How am I tracking?

Firstly, CalKing did my head in within a day. Yep as soon as I was back on it I was obsessively weighing and measuring everything, then running upstairs to log it. A bit of all or nothing behaviour there but in all honesty I'm just not interested in going down that path.

I have decided to use Kerith's report which details food groups and recommends the number of serves, to map out a bit of an eating plan and just try to stick to that. Eg X serves of carbs a day, y serves of protein, get in my omega 3 fats, limit treats etc. This I know will keep me sane but "mindful" of what I eat so as not to overdo anything.

Well the silly festive season is upon us. Food wasnt too good this week which then turned into a bit of an "oh who cares?" mindset. Geez how easy is it to slip into that negative frame of mind?? It took a bit of an unusual jolt on Friday to shock me into stopping the feeding frenzy and allow things to level out again. Things are ok now and I totally understand how I got where I was, so will file that away into the "know better next time" armoury.

I had my last consult with the physio on Fiday and as long as I keep up my rehab and gradually increase my running load and intensity, all should be good. However yet again I must say how closely my back/glutes are connected to my psyche. When I wasnt in a good place on Saturday morning it was manifesting itself into a dull back ache. After a couple of days of poor eating, sure enough I had aches and pains that I've been without for several weeks. It is amazingly predictable and uncanny just how closely the two are linked and negativity in whatever form will for me manifest in some form of back ache.

But finally I rounded off my training week with a superb one hour run this morning. I decided to stride it out a bit and run at a slightly faster than usual pace and it felt good. After two days not running and feeling a little bit sorry for myself this was just the mini comeback I needed. 

Headspace great. Aches and pains under control. Ready to slay another huge week at work and loving my life :-)