Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I guess life will not always be kind, easy and wonderful but we can still make the choice to focus on the good and positive things and give thanks for all we have.

Peter is working hard to shed some kilos gained from a combination of the holiday, my birthday celebrations and then periods of inactivity after 2 operations in 3 weeks. He has taken control of his eating my using an on-line logging program and for once he's concerned about how much sugar he is consuming. Previous attempts of me raising this were met with a surly "I don't eat much sugar" so I just let it go. Now's he's seeing it on the screen daily and he's looking for ways to reduce his consumption. My job just got a whole lot easier. Its also great to see him slowly transition back to exercising after a big whinge that the walking he was initially allowed to do "was doing nothing". Er, reminder time, that walking was rehab, not exercise. Like oranges and apples, 2 different things. 

As for me, I seem to have really found my groove on many levels and I'm feeling pretty amazing. My runs are coming along nicely with an especially crackin session on Sunday where I had great energy levels and my pace was the best it had been for some time. My times are now 5 minutes walking, 30 minutes jogging (or running as on Sunday), then another 5 walking and the rest is jogging or running for a total of 1 hour. This works a treat for me but I'm slowly increasing the time of my first jogging stretch. The other stuff I'm loving is this routine:

Monday: 350 workout + a little extra bike cardio 
Tuesday: 45-50 minute run (with walk intervals)
Wednesday: Leg weights: squats, static lunges and stiff-legged deadlifts, working on increasing my weights
Thursday: same as Tuesday
Friday: Upper body weights (aiming for heavyish sets)
Saturday: rest.

Now that's good and positive and I'm truly grateful for it.

:-) M 



  1. Sorry to hear about your friend Magda - the "C" disease is a horrid one. I am sure he will be grateful to have lovely friends like you and your husband in his life.
    You are on a super roll of awesomeness at the moment! Congratulations! Keep up the fantastic work with your running.

  2. Wow, great job for staying on track with everything which has happened in your family's life Magda. Good job to Peter as well, trying to look after his health after his recent scare! You both are amazing! x

  3. Thanks Maryanne. I'll be starting a running program shortly but the beginning it'll be easier than what I'm currently doing. Never mind, the aim is to build on it and improve. Stay tuned.

    Pip, its almost second nature now. Since turning 50, I've let go of a lot of my previous struggles. But that's a blog post in itself. Stay tuned.
